Preventing Infections | U-Wash Doggie

Preventing Infections | U-Wash Doggie

Bacteria, fungus, and yeast are not fun words. Not to you or your pet. An ear infection doesn’t only affect humans, it affects dogs and cats too. It’s hard to tell when your pet has an ear infection because they can’t speak, as we all know. Ear...
Beating the Summer Heat | U Wash Doggie

Beating the Summer Heat | U Wash Doggie

U Wash Doggie Full Service Pet Grooming or DIY wash Summers can get too hot in southern California. Keeping your dogs cool in the summer is essential for their health. You’re dog can get too hot which can lead to serious things. Always make sure your dog is...
Tips for Training Your Pup | U Wash Doggie

Tips for Training Your Pup | U Wash Doggie

It’s important to keep to using positive reinforcement when training your dog. What is positive reinforcement? It’s when you give a reward in exchange for wanted behavior. Dogs love praise, and more importantly, food. Here are a few basic things to keep in...
4th of July Tip List | U Wash Doggie

4th of July Tip List | U Wash Doggie

Happy Independence Day Santa Clarita! U-Wash Doggie Newhall will be closed on July 3rd and 4th returning the 5th. U-Wash Doggie Saugus will be closed on July 4th and 5th returning the 6th. Never leave alcoholic drinks unattended where pets can reach them.  Do not...