Keep Us Cool This Summer & Fall

Keep Us Cool This Summer & Fall

U-Wash Doggie with two Locations to serve in Santa Clarita. Get your pets Snuggle Ready. Cool, Clean, Healthy, and Happy. It’s to easy to DIY your pets when you use our tubs, get them in and out without fuss and back pain. We the shampoos, blow dryers and other...


U-Wash Doggie has a two Locations in Santa Clarita to get your pets GROOMED to Snuggle Perfection. Call Newhall 661-284-3600 Call Saugus 661-255-9600 DIY your pets, It’s to easy when you use our tubs, get them in and out without fuss and back pain. We the...
Pets Do Sweat – Take Care

Pets Do Sweat – Take Care

U-Wash Doggie Reminder: Most of us never considered whether or not pets sweat. With all that fur, it’s a bit hard to perceive, as they are not the same signs as when people sweat. In reality, cats and dogs do sweat – just not in the same manner as humans. They...
Bring Your Pets In – Let’s Get Snuggling

Bring Your Pets In – Let’s Get Snuggling

U-Wash Doggie has a two Locations in Santa Clarita to get your pets to Snuggle Perfection.  Call Newhall 661-284-3600 Call Saugus 661-255-9600 DIY your pets, It’s to easy when you use our tubs, get them in and out without fuss and back pain. We the shampoos,...
Clean, Healthy, Happy Pets Go To

Clean, Healthy, Happy Pets Go To

U-Wash Doggie with two Locations to serve in Santa Clarita. Get your pets Snuggle Ready. Clean, Healthy, and Happy. It’s to easy to DIY your pets when you use our tubs, get them in and out without fuss and back pain. We the shampoos, blow dryers and other...