Self Serv Pet Wash Too, at U-Wash Doggie, choose between our DIY bathtubs, and Professional Grooming services.

Our specialized services include haircuts, nail clipping, ear cleaning, medicated baths, flea dips, flea & tick shampoos, and re-moisturizing coats. And, if your pet has smelly breath, it could be due to Tarter Build-Up. Come to U-Wash Doggie for your pets professional teeth cleaning without anesthesia.
Make sure they are ready for all the Holidays.
This Amazing Solution is what your pet needs. Get it at UWASHDOGGIE.COM
Miracle Cure Ear Solution can correct itchy ear issues and much more…
Call Francisco or Andrés to ask about this wonderful product and what types of ear problems it treats. Look for Miracle Cure Ear Solution exclusively by U-Wash Doggie.
Stop by one of our two convenient locations 7 days a week for full-service grooming or do-it-yourself pet wash, using one of our waist-high, ergonomic tubs. We offer complete professional pet grooming services too!
Newhall Location: U-WASH DOGGIE: 24144 LYONS AVE, Newhall, CA (661) 284-3600
Saugus Location: 23013 SOLEDAD CANYON RD, Saugus (661) 255-9600
U Wash, We Wash You Choose…