U-Wash Doggie with two Locations to serve in Santa Clarita. Get your pets Snuggle Ready. Cool, Clean, Healthy, and Happy. 
It’s to easy to DIY your pets when you use our tubs, get them in and out without fuss and back pain. We the shampoos, blow dryers and other materials you’ll need.
You love your pet and we do too. Bring them to U-Wash Doggie; it’s the #1 Full Service Professional Grooming and DIY” Do It Yourself Pet Wash in Santa Clarita, and If you wish we can wash them for you. “You Wash, We Wash, You Choose” make an appointment now! Please remember, all pets are welcome.
Newhall Location: U-WASH DOGGIE: 24144 LYONS AVE, Newhall, CA (661) 284-3600