Happy Fathers Day Santa Clarita, U-Wash Doggie will be closed for Fathers Day and reopen on Monday the 19th!

In the summer, Make sure you guard against the dreaded flea.

If you want to learn how to get rid of fleas, you need more than just some simple tips on bathing your dog. Fighting a flea infestation isn’t a one-and-done battle. It’s a war that could take days, maybe even weeks, thanks to the flea’s life cycle, abilities and habits. It’s not an easy job, but one that has to be done right.

Most flea infestations stem from pets. Your cat or dog might have caught fleas while running around the yard, or from other animals during boarding or a play date. It doesn’t matter just yet. The first step is always treating the source of the problem as soon as possible. It makes no sense to treat the entire house if your pet is going to keep bringing fleas in.

Start with a flea comb, paying extra attention to the neck and tail of your pet since these are a flea’s favorite areas. Drop any fleas you comb off into hot soapy water to kill them. Next, be sure to speak with your veterinarian about flea control services for your pet. They will be able to recommend the best treatment for the type of fleas you have and for the climate in your area. There are many safe and effective flea treatments for your cats and dogs on the market. These might be topical, oral, spot treatments, shampoos, sprays, dusts or dips. The important thing is that you or your veterinarian effectively apply these treatments on a regular basis.

Always remember to treat each of your pets for fleas. If you treat just one, the fleas will jump to your other pets and the infestation will continue. Many flea control treatments only need to be applied once a month or once every few months. Oral and topical applications start protecting your pet before the flea population begins to increase during the warmer months of “flea season.” Learning how to get rid of fleas ultimately means embracing prevention.

When your dog is done and dirty, take them to U-Wash Doggie.

Wash them yourself in our DIY pet wash, or allow us to give your best bud a good cleaning!

Don’t let your pal run around in a mucky coat, come on over!