U-Wash Doggie www.petgroomingscv.com provides professional grooming services as well as self-serve facilities where you can wash your dog yourself. Call us at 661-284-3600.

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Everyone talks about dog grooming, but at U-Wash Doggie we also do cats.

We can get the knots out your cat’s fur if it’s long and matted and we can also treat him or her for fleas and ticks. So if your cat has gotten into some bushes and come back looking dirty, we can take care of it.

Heck, we even do parrots, pot bellied pigs and monkeys. Francisco Gamero, founder and owner of U-Wash Doggie, lives and has been doing business in SCV since 1975 and feels a strong responsibility to the local Santa Clarita community. He can be reached at the Newhall location. U-Wash Doggie has another location in Saugus.

Newhall, 24144 Lyons Ave., Newhall – 661-284-3600

Saugus, 23013 Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita – 661-255-9600

Heck, we even do parrots, pot bellied pigs and monkeys.