Anti Itch Shampoo & Lotion


Anti Itch Shampoo & Lotion


Long Read… But worth the time!

Summer Itch Hot Spot Canine Skin Disorder is a general description of the itching and scratching skin problems and dog skin rashes often diagnosed as; Pyoderma, Eczema, Seborrhea, Acute Moist Dermatitis, A topic Lick Dermatitis, Flea and Food or Environmental Skin Allergies, Pemphigus, Thyroid Deficiencies, and Yeast infections, Auto Immune disorders and Black Skin Disease.

Our HOT SPOT treatment helps control Itching & Scratching Canine Skin Disorders and Dog Skin Rashes often diagnosed as: Pyoderma, Eczema, Seborrhea, Allergies to Fleas and Food, Pemphigus, Sebaceous, Adenitis, and Atopic Acral Acute Moist Lick Dermatitis.

The research presented below show the results of the first 50 dogs we treated. ”Furgus” and other 49 test dogs were chosen for this demonstration because their skin problems were considered to be “worst case scenarios.” “Furgus” had been diagnosed as having a chronic Hot Spot Seborrhea Eczema itchy skin condition, causing him to scratch and chew himself raw for more than 8 years. He was unresponsive to treatments by veterinarians including, prednisone, antibiotics, allergy remedies, as well as OTC medications and grooming products all of which failed to remedy his itching and scratching skin problem.

The left side of Furgus had similar abrasions and loss of hair. Weeping skin irritations, bleeding, heavy scabbing, black skin and scaling were evidenced over 80% of his total epidermal area, including his back, abdomen, chest, legs, neck, ears, and tail. His environment was an enclosed yard and house in Southern California, which he shared with another dog, a Cocker Spaniel, and 2 cats. There were no apparent flea problems in evidence, and none of the other animals showed any signs of itching or scratching or skin irritations. He was removed from ALL medications without problem after treatment with our canine hot spot kit. ”Furgus” was not treated with any other medications or special diets during our 2 year test. Furgus never suffered from eczema again.

Furgus lived a healthy, happy, drug-free life for another 6 years and died at 17 of natural causes!

Criteria for the Dogs taking part in the test were as follows: *All the Dogs in the Test had been diagnosed and treated by Veterinarians for having severe Canine Skin Disorders and Dog Skin Rashes generally known as: Summer Itch, Flea Allergy Dermatitis, Summer Itch Hot Spots, Pyoderma, Eczema, Seborrhea, Acute Moist Dermatitis, Atopic Acral Lick Dermatitis, Environmental Substance Allergies such as Grass, Mold, Food, or Skin Allergies. Some Dogs were also diagnosed with Pemphigus, Auto-immune disorders, Black Skin Disease, Staph and Yeast infections.

The skin problems of Dogs in the Test were determined not to be caused by Scabies, Mange, or other Parasitic infestations. All the Test Dogs had been unsuccessfully treated by Veterinarians, as well as by over the counter or home remedies. Each Test Dog had by definition a “Very severe” itchy skin condition.

All the dogs in our field test had been treated with Prednisone, Anti-histamines, various Antibiotics, and 15 dogs in the test were also taking Thyroid medication for their skin problems at the time of the Test without success. Many of these dogs had also been treated with Holistic or Homeopathic natural remedies, and organic treatments without any positive results.

THE FOLLOWING ARE THE RESULTS OF THE FIRST FIELD TEST: Of the 50 Dogs taking part in the test, 46 of the dogs in the test had their skin and itch problems controlled within 90 days, and in most cases the dogs skin problems were controlled in less than 30 days. One 17 year old dog died of natural causes; however the dog’s skin had been showing signs of improvement. One family decided to take their 8 month old Dalmatian puppy to a Veterinarian Dermatologist who told them nothing would “Cure” the dog and it would have these skin problems the rest of its life. At this point they elected to have the puppy put to sleep without trying our product.

The skin conditions of two of the dogs in the test group did not respond to treatment. 15 of the dogs in our Field Test had been diagnosed with Thyroid Problems by Veterinarians as the possible cause of their skin conditions and these 15 dogs were taking Thyroid medication for their skin conditions at the time of the Test. The Thyroid medication was not controlling their skin conditions and after the dogs were treated successfully with our product we investigated further and found the dogs thyroids appeared normal and we concluded that these test dogs had been mis-diagnosed. The dogs were then removed from their Thyroid medications without any ill effects. 27 of the dogs in the test group had re-occurrences of their itchy skin problems within the following year.

These re-occurrences were quickly controlled with our hot spot control kit. The third year, 15 of the dogs had re-occurrences of their skin problems which were also quickly controlled. The second and third outbreaks of itching and scratching were much less severe and more quickly and easily controlled.

Within 4 years we were no longer contacted for any continued treatment for their dog’s hot spots by any of the dog owners. No adverse reactions to our product were reported by any of the test dog’s owners. The ONLY side effects reported to us was a significant increase in energy and activity! It is widely believed that the causes of Canine Summer Itch Hot Spots may be related to fleas, diet, allergies or inbreeding. While these factors may contribute to the animal’s inability to cope with this painful malady, we do not believe that they are the basic root cause of the itchy skin problem.

Our new approach to this problem is producing excellent results and statistically we have been able to effectively control more than 95% of all the dogs we have treated. Our HOT SPOT KIT consists of 4oz. of our special tearless antiseptic shampoo to wash the dog and 2 oz. of our specially formulated soothing lotion to be used directly on the skin of the affected areas after the dog has been bathed and dried. This procedure should be repeated about EVERY 7 DAYS (depending on the dog’s progress), until the dog stops scratching or chewing anymore. The number of treatments vary from dog to dog, but positive results should be observed within 24 to 48 hours.

Our Hot Spot kits are designed to give a 60 LB, medium-coat dog approximately 3 treatments which in many cases is sufficient to control the itchy skin problem (however severe cases may take more treatments – the worst case in our test was controlled in about 8 weeks). There are no complicated procedures for the use of our products, it is safe to use without gloves or special equipment, and complete instructions and ingredients are included with the Hot Spot Kit.

We have not received any report of an allergic reaction to our products or adverse interaction with any medication. We have found, however, using other topical remedies in an effort to help promote healing during treatments may actually slow down the healing process.

Methods of flea control such as Frontline or Advantage should not interfere with the use our Product. However, flea spray and powders on open wounds might irritate the skin and slow the healing process. Our HOT SPOT KITS are NON-TOXIC and safe to use on Pregnant and Nursing animals! Dogs with; Parasites, such as Mange (Sarcoptic or Demodectic), are not suffering from Hot Spots conditions.

Veterinarians can determine with skin scrapings if these parasites are present. These animals need to be treated with an insecticide. Our product is not designed to treat this type of infestation. Our Products are painless to use, cruelty free and all the ingredients we use are certified for use on Humans and Animals. The ingredients are also designed for low toxicity and Hypo-Allergenic properties. The ingredients in our products are benign and pain-free, and do not require the use of gloves or any other protective procedures.

Customers have also reported the successful use of our products in the treatment of several Horses, Cats, Ferrets, an Alpaca, a Rabbit, and a Mongoose with similar Pet skin rash problems.